by exploited » Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:00 pm
I agree, it is a subjective process. It is impossible to talk about objectivity. Which is why Saz is retarded for saying that nothing is illegal until it is objectively illegal, and claiming a difference between subjective and objective illegality. It is all subjective, which is why we have courts to interpret the law, and why people who we have evidence of breaking the law should be charged and tried... Again according to the law. It's still subjective but at least there is a predictable and routine process.
Saz, on the other hand, thinks that major banks who break the law shouldn't face charges because it is a waste of taxpayer money. He also believes that illegal hacking is subjectively but not objectively legal, while arguing that objectivity doesn't exist, except in those cases where we subjectively charge and try someone and they are subjectively convicted.
This is really a two-thread logical fallacy by Saz, and it's a shame you didn't bother reading through them before agreeing with something that is literally retarded.