by exploited » Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:29 am
Early life is probably the biggest indicator if someone is going to work out of not. If you played sports, you'll probably work out. If you had a good home life, your parents would have made sure you had a balanced diet with lots of activities. If you were taught to respect your body, you'll be way more likely to want to refine it. Many of these attributes are inherited from parents - it's no shock at all that fatness seems to be a family thing. People who are in shape do many of these things instinctually, because their body has been trained to desire good inputs and exercise. They crave it like fatties crave food.
I'd say the biggest reason for increased fatness is our failure, as a society, to emphasis the importance of eating appropriately and healthy. Even people who work out have to constantly struggle to limit salt and sugar intake, or at least be able to work them off. Most people don't know what to eat, how to cook it, or how to set a meal plan. Combined with our general laziness and inactivity, you see ballooning sizes. It all starts with a good diet, though.