by Indy » Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:40 am
As fate would have it, I ended up having to watch the entire Obama press conference in a waiting room and I have to admit Obama raised the answer-or-go-home question to his critics: what exactly is the alternative?
Oh, that's right: we bomb them. Sounds like a plan.
Countdown begins now until Dick Cheney ends up all over the airwaves (this Sunday morning perhaps), eviscerating Obama for being, let me guess, a new Neville Chamberlain.
As Obama pointed out, we can always bomb them. What's so scary about these neoclowns is they seem to have no concept whatsoever of what the blowback from that would be. And it would be catastrophic on numerous levels for the U.S.
Where, oh where, have the pragmatists gone... where, oh where can they be?
BTW Bibi needs to STFU. I am so tired of hearing the PM from another country dictate U.S. foreign policy.