by Medius » Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:12 am
There is a simple fix to this whole thing. Stop calling "special needs" kids "retarded" entirely. The word is really meaningless in the more complex world we've discovered through science. It is often tied more to the speech patterns than anything and they have more to do with hearing difficulties than mental development.
Not to mention the inconsistencies, such as autism, where a child might actually develop phenomenally one way and not another. Not to mention that intelligence varies so dramatically from person to person, that to compare development across people becomes fairly meaningless. All of our intellectual developments might be retarded compared to say Einstein or Hawkings, neither of which have attained the financial success of those with much less intellectual capability.
In short, boil it down to the disability that actually reduces participation or requires special facilities and call it a day. The blind need certain accommodations, as do the deaf, as do those incapable of making decisions for themselves regardless of age.