We simply don't trust the vaccines, the governments and certainly don't want mandate vaccination.
The pro-group here seems like they have never been forced vaccination before, don't really know what was it like. Well, I had. I certainly don't want it again. The vaccine leave permanent problem, whether it's fatal or not, it's there in your body forever. I wish anyone of you (the pro-group) had that smallpox vaccines like I did, see how you feel when you found out the cowpox is in you forever.
And if vaccines are so good and safe, then, why so many VETERANS complain they get sick afterward. Do they suddenly suffer paranoid and become conspiracy theorists? The Vietnam vets carried Hepatitis C from the shots they had before they went overseas. And see below articles,
U.S. military veteran describes how vaccines made service members sickLearn more:
http://www.naturalnews.com/041635_us_mi ... bers.html##ixzz2yhCWnWdc
Shots in the Dark: Unanswered Questions Plague The Military Vaccine Programhttp://www.vva.org/veteran/0607/shots.html
God and Jesus is not only the Creator, also the highest authority, most powerful & advance deity in the enite universe. Much more powerful than any other advance aliens.
Good alien/Angel would acknowledge Jesus is the Lord and Savior and came in flesh