Yea, what kind of retarded request is it? A request for proof that Obamacare would work before it was passed, considering no matter how many studies are presented that the GOP ideas would work, or COULD work, it's not enough. So since you seem so fair and balanced and want to see study after study showing it will work long before it ever has a chance at becoming law, I demand that of Obamacare. Show me where the democrats looked and said "This is a good idea because this study shows this legislation will work." The fact is you know your farked because you can't show a damn single farking study showing that this crap legislation was a good idea. After all, you passed it to see what was in it.
Mod edit. Lets not make it personal please. Also, do not bypass the word filter. You can turn your filter off if you don't wish to have words filtered. -u