by John Galt » Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:44 am
those movies where the disingenuous sinister woman who pretends to not know anything about what she's doing when the cops question here and the audience totally knows she's a psychopath and has knifed to death dozens of children? that's clinton. yet the clintons have perfected the art of playing the victim. they've got some people who are as doe eyed as these cops who question them and even though it's plain to everyone else they still believe them
so, yes, of course you'll still vote for her.
but that doesn't matter. as saz indicated, the trump noise machine is going to turn it up to 12 maybe even 13.
and that's just part of it. the bigger part for me why i think trump beats her is suprisingly on policy. i say suprising because he basically has no policies, no plan, except he says he's gonna be tough on all those places that TOOKE AR JERBS
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.