by Indy » Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:49 am
I think all the quibbling about using the word "terrorist" is a waste, because that word doesn't mean what it used to. It USED to mean people using violence as a means to their political goals but once the Sunni Muslims got involved with things like AQ it became more about just butchering and destroying things with the alleged "cause" some pipe dream about a worldwide caliphate, which is a pipe dream.
Yeah I guess you could call these guys terrorists but they took over an empty building without firing a shot and haven't killed anybody. No hostages. I'm not excusing their idiocy I'm just saying in the grand scheme of things this is like Terror Lite. I certainly could be the start of something far more troubling, to be sure, but it's hard to get that worked up about a bunch of clueless hillbillies who took over a bird sanctuary for reasons they can't even articulate when pressed, other than they hate the federal gov't.