guns - I'm pretty apathetic about most of this stuff as I don't really care one way or another. I don't have a problem with guns, I have a hunting rifle and am looking to get a shotgun in the near future. Don't think people need 100 round drums/magazines. So I'm all for some regulation but I don't think guns need to be banned.
abortion - I wouldn't recommend anyone get an abortion but I think the option should be there if people think its the best decision for them. The cut off date needs to be when the fetus is viable outside of the womb, however (like 80% survival rate).
gay marriage - sure let them if they want. why not? doesn't hurt anyone by allowing them to and it clears up a bunch of issues with hospitals (next of kin/family members) and taxes and such.
taxes - there should be a standard transactional tax on everything except moving funds from checking to saving (and vice versa). screw income tax. no tax loopholes for corporations or people.
energy resources (drilling, mining, etc) - I think its time we moved on from oil. Its a resource that is going to run out and we might as well get off of it now and stop supporting the shahs in the ME. innovation and all that. Not a fan of destroying nature to drill for oil just for the sake of having oil.
religion - I don't have any problems with religious people but I do not like any religion. Religion does not solve any problems, and does, on the whole, way more harm than it does good. I wouldn't ever tell someone to not be religious or make fun of their religion but if pressed I would probably say that all religions are dumb.
military - I think everyone should serve minimum 2 years but those not wanting to serve 4 years shouldn't be put into direct combat. I think our military budget is a tad bit excessive.
nukes - I think the US is highly hypocritical for telling other nations they can't have nukes. All or none imo. (preferably none)
unions - against them 100%. may have been needed 100+ years ago but not now. also another case of doing more harm than good
public schools - fine with the concept but the actual practice leaves much to be desired
death penalty - I'm ok with it, but I don't think its a deterrent.
health care - if you want insurance, buy it. if not, don't. but the insurance companies need a bit of regulation.
immigration - let those looking to work in. maybe issue a 4 year visa or something first and if they don't work, they get the boot
drugs - legalize marijuana and probably those little mushrooms but crack, cocaine, pcp, meth, etc etc all need to stay illegal because they do no good and cause nothing but problems (including potential death on just one use)
I'm not going to bother trying to figure out my label on these =P I'm lazy.