This whole thing just makes me lol. The Tea Party is probably the largest group of self-loathers in American history - I have never before seen such a large number of people fight against their own interests. If the Sierra Club decided to nominate Exxon-Mobil as company of the year, that would make more sense than what the TP is advocating. Honestly, who are these mutants? Are they even literate? Do they suffer from psychosis? Watching their politicians is like stepping into the Twilight Zone. I simply can't fathom how that many people can support something that is actually going to lessen government spending over the long-term, and actually preferring the status quo.
I mean, Jesus, you'd think Obama had abolished the Constitution, rather than introducing a watered down national health care strategy. "I'm being forced to buy insurance, and that is wrong. A much better way is for the government to end up paying for it anyways, but without actually helping anyone!"
And now to see your government shut down, lol. It's treason, plain and simple. There is really no other way of looking at it. These guys are damaging the country more than Al Qaeda could ever dream of.