by John Galt » Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:04 pm
Problem: not enough minorities in higher education
Liberal solution: give minorities extra weight in admissions process because of their minority status
does this at all fix the issue? well, lets look at it another way. problem: not enough minorities get into higher education. if you start examining roots of problems and dealing with them then you don't come up with ridiculous solutions that are bandaids for broken arms. so you have to ask why is that, and it's basically, as the dane said, goes back to their earlier educations. but i'll agree with gla as well -- this is mainly a class issue not a race one
it's like liberals and the question of mass shootings. the question is less of WHY but more of HOW. and that's the entirely wrong thing to be looking at.
if the walls in your house are damp and wet replacing the walls will just lead to damp wet walls again. you need to find the leak instead of treating symptoms
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.