by Philly » Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:51 am
You're speculating what the people would think if they were fundamentally different from what they are. You're basically saying that they know nothing about this thing you support but if you explained it to them, they'd be on your side. What you aren't accounting for is that if there was a public debate on this topic and people didn't immediately change the channel (they would) that your point of view would come out on top. Whenever an even slightly nuanced issue is presented to the American public both sides start spinning an oversimplified version that favors their position. The idea that everyone would just listen to Liz Warren's reasoning and make a rational decision based on her explanation is a pipe dream. In every single election you see issues get distorted and the public just buys into one side or the other either arbitrarily or because their partisan leanings makes them predisposed to trust one side more than the other.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse