by Libertarian602 » Fri Apr 03, 2015 12:21 am
I just don't understand this whole bandwagon feel good, Iran is our buddy now nonsesne.
They're not. In all honesty they're really no different than the Saudis. Saudi royals placate their religious nutters too stay in power, and Iran is ran by religious nutters. It's like having to choose between shooting yourself in the left nut, or punching yourself in the right nut. Either way, the outcome sucks and it's painful, yet one choice is a little less painful.
Iran has no incentive to pivot towards the US, they've been bargaining with the upper hand this whole time. Them getting a nuke is a inevitability. It's going to happen, and they know nothing will be done about it. All they have to look at North Korea as proof of this fact.
“Liberty has not only enemies which it conquers, but perfidious friends, who rob the fruits of its victories: Absolute democracy, socialism.”
-Lord Acton