Somebody above mentioned this isn't about Obama, there's always some kind of conspiracy theory going on. I disagree. I think this has EVERYTHING to do with Obama and the intense, irrational hatred. As somebody pointed out, who loves the military more than Texans? Nobody, except when the black Kenyan is the CiC. Then they're willing to deploy National Guard to kill U.S. "federal" troops because with their hatred of Obama, any collateral casualties are acceptable.
Texans are all about law enforcement too--do you want to even guess where they came down on the Ferguson thing, or the latest one? Oh, unless it's federal and state law enforcement when Obama is president, then they side with a clown like Bundy and applaud all the yahoos who showed up armed to the teeth, just itching to kill... law enforcement.
Texans are all about being proud Americans too--unless the Muslim Hussein becomes president, at which point they want to secede from the union.
It's one thing for Alex Jones and his followers to be pushing this kind of insanity but when you've got the governor of one of our largest states literally acting on it and a U.S. Senator pimping it as well, I think we can safely say this kind of thing has gotten out of control. It's always when there's a non-Party president too.
Texas: where JFK got his head blown off, where the Waco siege happened under Clinton and now this (among all the other things) under Obama. Not exactly a mystery.