by Philly » Mon Jun 13, 2016 3:51 pm
That's the amazing thing. The Republicans hate Clinton so much, and all they had to do was nominate a sane person to have a very good shot at beating her. Regardless of what you think of Clinton, it's impossible to deny that she has high negatives and is widely perceived as not being trustworthy by the electorate. You manage to face an opponent with that much baggage and any standard empty suit has a good shot. But she's going to win and it's probably not even going to be that close in the end because the GOPs chickens came home to roost. They've been conditioning their voter base to be hateful, small minded bigots for decades, while simultaneously f**k them over on substantive policy. When they realized that they've been getting f**k over, they just went for the most hateful candidate whose campaign platform included some nods to the raw deal they've been getting. And that guy happens to be a neofascist maniac.
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse