I'd also like to make another point. A few of us are posting ideas on how to resolve, alleviate, or diminish these types of massacres, and a lot of the ideas are with government involvement, often mandatory, and almost always rights-violating.
There is another way to approach these solutions, and that’s with a concerted societal effort. Maybe Health Care providers across the country begin doing mental health checkups at ages 5, 10, and 15. Offer classes to parents to teach them how to recognize violent behavior. Maybe the NRA or some other organization can offer free gun safety training to high schools and colleges across the country. Get more boys into Boy Scouts. Start some campaign to get kids out from in front of the TV and more time with their parents and family friends. We need to change as a culture if we keep churning out mass-murders. We don't have to meet force with force or fight fire with fire. We can approach critical issues of our time through voluntary means. Sure it'll be harder than if big government came in with its magic wand and did it all for us, but we all know how inefficient, susceptible to influence, expensive, and single-minded the government can be.
The state isn't always the answer, that's all I'm saying.