by John Galt » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:23 am
"and being, like, really smart" is quite clearly trolling. he realizes how absolutely insane ya'll get about him saying he has the best brain and whatnot, and now he's calling himself a genius?
with the best trolls it is hard to tell if the trolling is going on. oh i'm sure he probably thinks himself very smart, but he's still trolling with that comment. together with the lead up of a long list of things that basically says he's teflon and na-na-na-na-na you can't touch me, it's f**k trolling the shit out of ya'll
it is dangerous both to think he's playing 8D backgammon but also that he's a blithering idiot. i think he has some level of dementia but it's low. it makes it so if he goes off script, he's going way off script. twitter is part of HIS script, even if it's not his handler's script, so i do think he is cognizant of what he is doing, while he sits, shits, and tweets. in no way should he be the president of the united states, and he is a dangerous man because of his demntia. but this doesn't mean he's not trolling you
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.