you keep conflating motivations with....i don't even know what. "i want my wife to be submissive CAUSE REASONS" is sexist. IT f**k IS. you aren't saying that about yourself, you're saying it about your wife. that's a statement on a woman's role. GENDER ROLE.
q to the e to mother f**k d.
i don't need to indulge your word fetishism here. this does not require my best dostoevsky.
"i'm not racist i just think black people around me shouldn't have rights"
"i'm not sexist i just think the women in my life should be submissive"
it is the same f**k thing and that would be considered racist. because it's YOUR OWN LIFE and YOUR OWN CHOICE does not put that sentiment on the candy choo choo and ship it off to magic land. it's still vile.