Not sure what the experience is like up there full-time Exploited but when I was in Toronto a couple of years ago I remember thinking how different the local news was than ours.
It seemed to have actual "news," meaning: stuff that was relevant to the citizens of Toronto and their lives. Things about construction and local gov't and the formula one racing going on that week, etc.
Here in Chicago, usually the first 10 minutes is: people who were killed. Of course the idea of "It bleeds, it leads" isn't anything new, but step back and ask yourself: how is it relevant to anybody that a man was shot on the south side last night? Especially if it was a between two people who knew each other?
Every Monday usually there's a lead story in the news or paper about how many murders there were over the weekend--even though murders are on the decline (and have been for a while) and they tend to always be in the same neighborhoods. But that's the message being broadcast not just to the city residents but of course all the surrounding suburbs and even into parts of Indiana.
I probably don't have to tell you the race of the perps in most of these stories. So apparently we think it's news when the poorest of the poor commit crimes--what a shock.
But apparently that's not the message being received by a lot of people. So of course step #1 is to arm yourself. Even though you live in some sleepy downstate town where crime is pretty non-existent. Hey, you just never know when one of Them will be crawling through your window, having somehow made it all the way down there from Chicago.
Oh God and don't even get me started on the tayerists. They're probably targeting you too, which is why your local PD needs that APC.