by Indy » Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:21 pm
The "news" is supposed to keep people informed so that they can make smart decisions when it comes to their lives and government.
Knowledge = power.
Ideally, news is supposed to keep the population informed by providing them with relevant stories that will affect their lives. Of course sometimes news is just news because something happened. Something bad. I get it.
But telling me every night how yet another black man shot a black man isn't helping them or me.
Neither is sticking a camera and microphone into the face of the latest victim's uncle/cousin/brother where he's going to offer us exactly what insight again? And ain't it funny how for the most part those interviewed always look/talk the same?
Obviously we as a nation don't care--as long as they keep killing each other. Oh but believe you me the moment somebody goes off the reservation and shoots a white person then let the BREAKING HEADLINE ALERT!s begin.
And that may there just be exactly why it never ends--because as long as it's mostly confined to certain areas where white people aren't the victims, the dirty truth is that this is acceptable.
Let me ask you this: who do you think has ruined more lives? That black dude who robbed the mini-mart or Lloyd Blankfein? Because last time I checked the Lloyd Blankfeins of the world literally destroyed the lives of millions, wiped out the economy and threw millions out of their homes but you never see them in the news now do you?
And all those people buying guns and getting CCWs? They're not buying them because they think Jamie Dimon is going to carjack them.