by Lobster » Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:59 am
You're right, "rape culture" in prisons has absolutely nothing to do with gender wars or sexism. I suppose that's why there is so much funding, media and institutions bringing attention to it, so unlike the completely ignored "it's the patriarchy, stupid" angle, right?
That it is a symptom of society as opposed to what always happens when you have a completely regimented, sexually segregated, socially isolated culture with no or almost no privacy is questionable. This shit happened in old boarding schools, on ships, in military situations, the world over and across many cultures. Maybe sex is just a psychologically necessary human need, and the extreme repression of it comes out in damaging ways? Couldn't possibly be that simple.
I understand why you'd paint it as a fundamental flaw that shows how f**k up our society is, taking something that is by definition OUTSIDE of common society and trying to paint it as a symptom of the whole. Because your shtick is human hating self-loathing misanthrope thinly disguised with hypocritical moral superiority.