by John Galt » Fri Feb 02, 2018 2:30 pm
well that's about as interesting as an episode of walking dead
the entire thing is just trying to discredit the reason for why the wiretap on Page was granted, not that Page DIDN'T do anything wrong. this is like those people who are "innocent" and get out of being executed for crimes 20 people saw them do because the the cop said "you have a right to remain silent, you son of a bitch" and therefore didn't properly mirandize him, that kind of bullshit.
page's ties were cut by the trump campaign themselves BECAUSE OF RUSSIA during the campaign. Page went off against american policies in a speech in russia, that he later claimed he was doing as himself but the school advertised his connection to Товарищ Дональд Трамп. after that, the Трамп campaign itself pushed him out. but that was the reason the FBI was looking for connections. the steele dossier seems to be in support of that, supporting documentation as "oh yeah there's this other thing that alleges all this crazy shit, and since this Page guy is literally in Russia talking shit about the US and he's on the Трамп campaign we should check him out"
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.