by The Dharma Bum » Tue Mar 26, 2013 5:54 pm
I don't know about you guys but in my opinion government agents should be extremely concerned with violating the law, it's an important part of their duty. It directly effects their credibility with people. One can't put one's self up as the global source of law and order if one orders hits on one's enemies like a criminal enterprise. Everyone will instantly see how full of shit one is.
Osama bin Laden should have been taken in custody, it would have been easy at that point he was literally hiding behind a woman when he was killed, and gotten a fair trial under US law. This would have been the situation if we really the kind of nation we claim to be. Instead he was assassinated in the middle of the night and his body dumped in the middle of the ocean purposely so it would be unrecoverable.
That is not the respectable authority figures do things. That is the way a bunch of ding dongs do things.
We have to become more self-aware.