by Philly » Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:15 am
It's not actually being at war non-stop. It's that there's a constant sentiment both among American foreign policy influencers and the American public that we should be using military force to intervene in whatever happens to be going on in the Middle East at the moment.
Each time it's the same weak arguments:
"The region is going to spiral out of control if we don't do anything!"
(Our repeated intervention sure has made things stable over there)
"Even if they aren't a direct threat to us right now, they will be soon if we don't step in now!"
(A lot of radical elements over there hate us and would kill us given the chance. Playing wack-a-mole each time one of them makes a ruckus is a pretty ineffective way to deal with this)
"Are we just gonna sit back while (insert humanitarian atrocity) happens?"
(Our track record shows that we aren't doing the average citizens over there any favors by having a heart and trying to save them from the bad guys)
"But this time is different. These guys are much worse than the bad guys from last time"
(This one is totally true. Let's consider why the bad guys keep getting everytime we take out the previous bad guy)
go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The f**k Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse