by Libertarian602 » Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:02 am
So, you don't know how personal attacks work, I guess.
And yes, those faceless people in the social media lynch mob, are not only crybabies, they're little jack booted authoritarians.
See, I've made a single point time and time again, the very same point that you seem not too understand.
So I'll illustrate it again.
A sane and rational person would most likely decide to take their business elsewhere if they found this establishment owner's views objectionable, then go on with their lives. See, that's what adults do.
Then there's the mob that hides behind the anonymity of the internet, makes veiled threats, slanders, and seeks to crush dissenting views. And to your credit, you denounced violence and threats of violence.
These cowards, and that's what they are, are the very same tools that every tyrant in history has not only counted on, but needed too pursue their twisted version of the "greater good".
I have nothing but scorn for these individuals. That's what they deserve. For the sake of civil debate, and not flaming up this thread more than it has been, I apologize for calling you a dumbass.
Last edited by
Libertarian602 on Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
“Liberty has not only enemies which it conquers, but perfidious friends, who rob the fruits of its victories: Absolute democracy, socialism.”
-Lord Acton