by exploited » Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:02 am
The issue is that all the white folks here are demanding that blacks stop organizing around what they think is important, and get on board with what we think makes more sense. Meanwhile, Blacklivesmatter isn't just about police violence, and any attempt to move it in that direction drastically undermines it's effectiveness. The truth is that blacklivesmatters got young blacks out on the street and involved, even if only in ways that establishment folk dislike (rioting). It is a broad movement because blacks face broad problems. The important thing is that they are unifying around it.
We do not live in a post racial society and demanding that blacks pretend we do is absurd. What's interesting isn't that you guys have a problem with being too focused, its that you guys think the focus is wrong, even divisive - a reaction that honestly makes me suspect the sort of benign racism that upholds structural racism in America. Which I hate to say because obviously you guys are not racist in any real way towards blacks... Yet there it is. "Blacks would do better to work with whites to solve common problems, rather than working by themselves to solve their own problems. Obviously such a thing is doomed to failure." Meanwhile the only reason that is so is because of white people not getting the movement and so not exercising solidarity with it.