by exploited » Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:25 am
Blacking out whole cities? What is this nonsense? As per usual, Obama will approach this with discretion and foresight, with a full understanding of the precedent that has been set. Dylan isn't President, people. Obama has to act a bit more forcibly than usual simply because he doesn't have the time to apply his usual methodical approach. Unlike Saz, he is able to put these "attacks" into context, and understands that while a simple phishing e-mail is not important in the long run, open Russian involvement in the democratic processes of the US must be discouraged and dealt with. There are certain rules that apply to these matters. One such rule is that while every country does these types of things, when you get caught, there are diplomatic consequences. It is a charade, yes, but it is an important charade. The last thing that Obama can allow to happen is the normalization of this behaviour. Not only that, but these attacks did not happen in a vacuum - they happened in the same world where Russia has been pushing America's shit in in Syria, and defying the entire world in the Ukraine (which I understand from their perspective, but again, charades matter). Now they simply released some e-mails from a non-governmental organization... and, oh yeah, did some serious damage to a long-time political opponent, culminating in the election of a total moron who Putin will manipulate easily.
Frankly, I'm shocked at the naivete on display here. Well, not from Saz, but from a veteran political operative like Philly, and an insightful autist like Galt. Obviously these hacks aren't technically impressive, nor are they overly serious in and of themselves - what matters is the precedent they set, as well as the context they took place in.
Get some sophistication you f**k rubes.