Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Budget: $445 million
Saz says: CUT everything except frontline and this American experience!
National Endowment for the Arts
Budget: $150 million
Saz says: CUT!
National Endowment for the Humanities
Budget: $150 million
Saz says: Keep!
Minority Business Development Agency
Budget: $36 million
Saz says: CUT!
Economic Development Administration
Budget: $215 million
Saz says: CUT..but really roll into new infrastructure program!
International Trade Administration
Budget: $521 million
Saz says: CUT!
Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Budget: $142 million
Saz says: half!
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services
Budget: $286 million
Saz says: CUT!
Office of Violence Against Women
Budget: $480 million
Saz says: CUT!
Legal Services Corporation
Budget: $503 million
Saz says: CUT!
Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department
Budget: $156 million
Saz says: half!
Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Justice Department
Budget: $123 million
Saz says: CUT!
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Budget: Self-sustaining
Saz says: Keep, obviously!
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
U.S. Funding: Estimated $10 million
Cost per American: $0.03
Saz says: Keep!
Office of Electricity Deliverability and Energy Reliability
Budget: $262 million
Saz says: CUT but really roll into new infrastructure plan!
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Budget: $2.9 billion
Saz says: CUT!
Office of Fossil Energy
Budget: $878 million
Saz says: CUT!