by jimmyz » Mon Oct 08, 2018 5:38 pm
I want you all to go back and look at your yearbooks. Take special note and make effort to blot out any unfaltering inscription and remark RE sex with the opposite sex and braggadocio inference.
Not that any member, especially the lawyer here, will ever attain Kavanaugh's status but it may be necessary to blot out your 16-17 year old self's written history.
Remember this Progs, the two lesbians on the SCOTUS were treated in a dignified manner by the GOP Senators during their confirmations. No longer will that be the case. All future Dem nominated prospective justices better make sure their yearbooks and underwear are sparkling clean. We may just want to tear at you for your deeds and words in high school.
A female has come forward to accuse Justice Ms. Sotomayor of making unwanted advances and touching her breast when they were 16 in high school. She is a sexual molester and should be impeached. The accuser has no evidence so far but Sotomayor is accused and guilty for sure.