by Hyperion » Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:11 pm
A lot of you who were critical of my statements (comrade, Aaron) stepped around the very thesis I promoted. I said that young men have a rougher future ahead of them than women and are hence oppressed. They are victims to an evolving matriarchy. It’s not your father’s country anymore; it belongs to your sister. All of you referencing the Supreme Court and business executives who are 50-70 years old missed the point. Young women are more educated than young men and have more financial stability. You're smart people. What do you think this will entail in 20 years from now?
Violence committed by women is inappropriately labeled non-violence. If a woman hits a man because she has a temper outburst, it should be indisputably labeled violence, but many people on the street wouldn’t think anything of it. Men are capable of delivering more damage, but women commit just as many violent acts. Our understanding of domestic abuse has evolved in only the last 20 years to the point where research indicates there are just as many male victims of abuse by their wives as visa versa: if you include emotional trauma, men suffer more. ABC even did a documentary where a police officer watched a woman abuse her boyfriend and did nothing about it.
The idea men are somehow more "violent" than women and need to be tamed is ironically something feminists and chauvinists share in common. If you inspect both "sides," you start to realize feminism promotes many of the images it claims to be against.
Knowing that female med school applicants outnumber male med school applicants, that our education system is failing boys, that public health policies targeting men are tragically inferior, that our culture still labels woman-on-male violence as appropriate, that men lose in most custodial battles, that men commit suicide rates at much higher rates, etc – you’re really going to try to defend contemporary feminism? The same shrill crowd that is trying to argue that young men are oppressors? Or try to argue that "third wave" feminism is really comprehensive and wants to help these boys out?
Almost every sexist act that occurs against men is quickly picked up as "truly sexist against women." A charity that only helps single mothers? Well, yes it's sexist, but only against women because it makes women look weak. It's not sexist against the single fathers who are actually losing out on financial stability. Feminism offers nothing to young men.