The mortgage interest deduction is one of the larger tax expenditures, but it is not the only one. Far from it.
More than one tax expenditure a day has been added to our tax code in the past decade.
Every day, some Congressman is giving some constituent a gift. As a bill moves past him in the pipeline, he adds a rider to it gifting someone with a tax break that YOU have to make up for. A tax break that ADDS to the national debt.
Take away the ability for a Congressman to do that, and you take away a large part of the incentive for special interests to dump truckloads of cash into their campaign coffers. Take away the ability for a Congressman to do that, and you bite deeply into his current 97 percent chance of being re-elected.
But what do we have instead? Some dipshits writing to this pile of corruption saying "Keep up the good work!"