by Ben Huh » Tue May 14, 2013 5:20 pm
As someone who drinks the hard shit on the reg, my personal tolerance level before I can not operate a motor vehicle is higher than someone's who is a very occasional drinker. When you drink scotch like it's going to cease existing within the next hour as I do, tolerance is not really a word you think about. I can comfortably say I can drive a car with an OB of around .10 easily. When calculating OB you not only have to consider the person, but also what is being drank. My preferred scotch goes around 45-50% depending on brand meaning 2-3 clean rounds of that and I am over .08. The beers I drink are mostly craft and are Imperials meaning they have at least 7.5% alcohol, so once again 2 Dogfish Head Burton Baton's and I'm blowing around .08.
So yeah, this change sucks.
..."if the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of a divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit."