Is there a better way to say that?
Its a valid point. If people, for the most part, at some point hadn't stopped passing down (insert horrible things that get passed from one generation to the next), where would we be? Religion doesn't have to be harmful. It can easily be a net good for society...but when it gets in the way of educating children, of preparing them for the global competition they can it be anything but a problem? Keeping kids ignorant is not a legitimate answer.
There is a good side, sure. But the dark side of religion is what is driving issues like rewritten history textbooks, intolerance of other faiths and cultures, a great deal of xenophobia, homophobia (and the associated violence and violations of liberty), and a really terrifying anti-academic/intellectual/science attitude that is hindering our development as a society and making us less competitive (and the butt of jokes) on the world stage.
Its not about "your beliefs are stupid, my beliefs are good". Its about leaving "beliefs" out of the scientific training of the new generations altogether. Evolution is not about "belief". Its about common sense. Its science.
Parents are literally telling children that their textbooks are wrong, that its all a big lie/conspiracy, and are actively trying to prevent their children from even being exposed to the most basic elements of life science.
Parents are f**king up bad in this arena, and they are failing their children, and leaving them less prepared for the real world. Theses kids grow up ignorant, and entrenched in that ignorance, and will openly fight to maintain it. Because of parents doing this shit...there are millions of people doing this:
And sadly, they will teach their children to do the same. They will teach their children to actively resist leaning something. That is MESSED. UP.
Is there anything anyone can do about it? Nope. All we can do is implore them to stop doing it. In futility.