I've come a long way on guns in the last year, as I am about to become a gun owner, just went through basic training and soon will be taking the CCW class in Illinois (which blows BTW--16 hours! Cmon!).
A few points:
-Gun debates are typically cul-de-sacs because nobody gives an inch; everybody talks past each other
-The solution (well the best one possible) is somewhere in the middle as Prof says--but nobody wants to go to the middle
-I really, really don't think you will ever, ever get rid of handguns in this country. I just think it's impossible politically. So we need to move forward conceding that. Yeah, I can totally see how not having them would address the problem but let's be realistic here.
-That said, the biometric idea is some nice, unorthodox and creative thinking. If you can have it for your iPhone why not for a gun?
What's so nuts to me is that if you go to a gun range they are absolutely hardcore about safety and regulations. Impressively so. If you want a CCW permit you have to go through TRAINING, as everybody should if you're going to use a deadly weapon. Yet there are plenty of people who believe any fool should be able to have guns with no training whatsoever or else your rights are being trampled and this is America blah blah and not only that they should have any weapon with unlimited killing power or capacity. WTF?
Like I said, it's a mess when you try and argue it.