by uebermann » Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:35 pm
Does it matter what I think or does it matter what can be proven?
Do I think there was some shady shit going on? Sure. But the thing is, given that she was having an affair with a married man and hiding her pregnancy from her ultra religious parents, I wouldn't put anything past her. I know people that have lived in extremely religious families like that and they lied about shit all the time. Just random stupid shit. It honestly wouldn't surprise me to hear she actually wanted to keep the baby and was just lying to her friend about it all for attention.
At any rate
(1) Lots of women think or talk about terminating a pregnancy. Or at the very least of not wanting the baby.
(2) She may have ordered them. Ordering the pills is not illegal
(3) Possible but not probable.
(4) Yes, she could have lied. (Attention)
(5) Yes, she could have lied. (Attention)
(6) The stress alone from the situation could account for a miscarriage.
No financial proof she ordered the pills - they can't tie the purchase to her other than the email. Seems odd.
Also seems odd that someone would send text messages to a friend while committing a knowingly illegal action. If you were breaking the law and new you were breaking the law, why on Earth would you text it and then leave those texts on your phone?
You're also completely ignoring the use of the feticide law outside of its original attended scope, as well as the fact that we have a non-Christian, non-white, out-of-wedlock pregnant woman in a predominately white, Christian, conservative state. The police made sure to keep bringing her race and the race of the father up while questioning her, they never even tried to hide their goal in all of this.