by spacemonkey » Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:31 am
Certain aspects of the LGBT crowd may be seen by others as odd at the very least, possibly vulgar and repulsive at the most. Some choose not to embrace or interact with that lifestyle and are labeled bigots fairly quickly. By doing so. the LGBT crowd labels itself as bigots for not respecting the views of those that differs from its own. If I had a business, I would do business with them, but I can't speak for anyone but my self. The LGBT crowd is a minority and will no doubt encounter different views. My advice to them is when they do meet opposing views, just accept it and quit throwing panty waist sissy fits. They should at the very least be thankful they live in a country that does not execute them for their life style. America tends to embrace all, including them. and they are no more or less deserving of a pedestal then anyone else.
The hardest part of doing nothing is knowing when your done.