by Libertarian602 » Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:49 am
Thanks for the long winded attempt to deflect from Iran's wrong doing, all because you're a DNC talking points boot licker. You've literally accomplished nothing. Good job.
1. Saudi Arabia and Iran being the same: They pretty much are, the only difference is that Saudi Royals run the country, and bow to their religious extreme to stay in power, Iran on the other hand is ran by the religious extreme. Both nation's laws are based off Islamic interpretation. So the difference is what??
2. Shia and Sunni Islam are the same: The only difference between the two branches of Islam is based of the succession of the Profet Mohamed, that is it.
3. Ideology: Ya, this was never mentioned once.
4. ISIS and Hezebola: ISIS goal is to start a Islamic state in Iraq and Syria, by force of Violence. Hezbollah is a illegitimate state within the Nation of Lebanon created by force and violence, and backed by Iran. The Shia minority in Yemen took down the "legitimate" government by force, and are backed by Iran. What do all Three have in common, ummm they follow Shia Islam, oh my!! No you're right, Iran is just doing this for the heck of it.
You've be rebuked again.
Last edited by
Libertarian602 on Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
“Liberty has not only enemies which it conquers, but perfidious friends, who rob the fruits of its victories: Absolute democracy, socialism.”
-Lord Acton