Travon Martin, Micheal Brown, the fat guy that croaked in NY selling cigs on the sidewalk, Ferguson Missouri riots, Federal investigation of that by the DOJ, Baltimore riots and the castigation of police all over the US, Rev Al and Jesse Jackson all over the place instigating for their own wealth, Obama commenting on black deaths and never saying a word about white deaths at the hands of minorities for political gain, on and on. You get a percentage of what we get on a daily basis down here in the Media so you have a different view I might think.[/quote]
This is Obama's speech about Travon Martin: ... von-martinThis is Obama's speech about Michael Brown: ... hael-brownThis is Obama's speech about Eric Garner: ... ric-garnerThis is an article about what Obama said regarding the rioters in Ferguson: ... -ferguson/In none of these speeches is there anything that I would consider even remotely divisive. In all cases, he argues that the legal system has worked. He argues that the loss of life should be mourned by everyone. He argues that the racial divide is an American problem, not a black or white problem. He also talks about how violent protest is NEVER acceptable, and that he has no sympathy for any rioters. I'm guessing he commented on these cases because they led to sustained and serious upheaval, and he felt that as the first Black President in American history, he had an obligation to and for the black community to get things calmed down. I urge you to read these statements and point out the divisive commentary. I'd be glad to listen to what in particular you feel divides the country.[/quote]
There was no racism in any of those criminal cases. It was created and you know it. George Zimmerman became a "white" Hispanic. "Hands up, don't shoot" was a lie perpetuated by Obama's right hand race hustler, Al Sharpton. You know that. Why keep perpetuating a racist lie? Sick. Obama and the msm ignore the black on black slaughter in Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Atlanta, etc. Your sick leftist game of diversion from failure. Black unemployment over 30%. Fail.