No, the people collectively are the organization. separate and distinct from the state, which is a government. Good god do you really not get the meaning of this word? It does NOT apply to the individual. For example, we the people choose our leaders. Individuals do not choose our leaders, they vote. No single individual has the power to choose their leaders, only the collective, we the people, do.
You see, one is a power and the other is merely an action, an action totally devoid of meaning without the power behind it. Anyone can choose who they want as president, but only the people actually have the legal authority to choose the our leaders. That's the clear distinction and one that is obvious in the constitution. apparently this concept is completely out of your grasp though.
Also, lol at "looking into it too deeply." Do you not realize with what care and thought the document was written? Do you truly believe the use of persons rather than people in the 4th amendment is just happenstance, scrubbers error that the founders in all their wisdom just missed? Get a f**k clue, the reason this document has survived so long is precisely because it was drafted with the utmost consideration and interpreted by the courts with such care.
Lmao that your argument is "don't read into it that closely."