by Spider » Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:47 pm
Where you messed up was in claiming that, "Socialism is either voluntary or it is not socialism, by definition."
By definition, (There are several very similar definitions posted you can refer to) being voluntary is not a requisite.
As I pointed out, socialism, being an economic system, can be tailored to work with various political systems, goes quite well with coercion, and doesn't by definition, as you stated, require everyone to play along. Everything can be collectively owned easily enough, or collectively managed, easily enough, though, at least according to the definition we both posted, both conditions are also not required.
Thats the problem with making such sweeping, absolute statements. Its all actually very loose. You believe socialism can't happen unless its all voluntary. It does not follow that you are right about that, or that everyone agrees with you.