by Dylan » Tue Oct 23, 2012 4:04 pm
My point that just because the information pertaining to training is not related to peaceful nuclear tech does not mean it is violative if the NLT prohibitions on transfer of scientific information pertaining to nuclear weapons. Again, you keep stating that providing said training is violating the NPT, but you haven't said why. It's no technology that allows for creation of nuclear weapons which is arguably all the NPT focuses on.
Intl law has been wildly successful in many areas.
Belligerence = actions seeking to effectuate goals outside its borders or imposing its will on others. E.g., if Iran seeks to throw its weight around as to Saudia Arabia, irans possession of nuclear weapons would effect how Saudia Arabia and the international community can address the issue.
The deterrent issue of nukes is a useful aspect of their proliferation, but the fact remains the more countries that possess nukes the more likely one will eventually be used, and that countries with nuclear weapons are more difficult to handle than ones without. NK is a prime example.