But only the positive ones are to be believed (if you consider 48% approval positive, that is)? Why am I arbitrarily believing the Reuters/Ipsos poll (again, only 48%) and arbitrarily ignoring that ORC/CNN poll that shows disapproval at 53% of Trump overall? Quinnipiac shows it at 52%. Should I ignore these as "fake" and believe some other poll that shows a slightly better number (for trump)?
Its cherry picking, either way we look at it.
trump is quite literally stating that anything "negative", which I guess means anything he personally doesn't like, is actually
fake. As in, part of some sort of deluded anti-trump conspiracy theory. That's what I'm taking away from this. Is that going to be the line going forward? News that trump doesn't like is fake?
If I start seeing an average of polls that are beyond their margin of error above 50%, I'll buy it. But even the best results in favor of the ban are still weak as hell. Xenophobes are a force, sure. But I think these numbers will spike only if there is some new terrorist attack.
Conveniently close to his reelection bid, perhaps.