OK, so now you, too, agree with me that the government played "some" role in the crisis?
Great - we're getting there. Now it's just down to magnitude.
What about the person with bad credit who bought an expensive house with an ARM? Are they to blame? Sure. They bought something that they couldn't afford. But individually, they are a minor player.
What about the little mom-n-pop bnaks that made loans to people with subpar credit, changing their lending policies which were time proven? They're to blame too, but again, as a minor player.
What about the big banks that simply ran away with the market, making financially stupid bets and then bundling them all together to sell to even stupider people? Yeah, they're to blame. Probably the single largest share of blame in the whole scheme.
Somewhere between "Countrywide" and "Podunkville Bank and Trust" lies the government. More to blame than the most minor of players, and not as big as the most major player. Somewhere between them.
Or, let's put it another way - they weren't "THE" major contributor, but they were "A" major contributor.