Although natural rights philosophy annoys me to no end, like capitalism, I have yet to identify an alternative that forms a better foundation from which to build a society.
Ideally, we can balance individual rights to property and contract with the recognition that we have to curb the excesses of introducing these rights. The idea of one person being compensated more than entire countries, for instance, is patently absurd, and such compensation needs to be prevented, not merely seized and redistributed.
What I'd really like to see is the abandonment of traditional liberal thought and ideological orthodoxy. Obviously the best systems make use of both socialist and capitalist principles; obviously the bootstraps ideologies are garbage; obviously social programs are band aids that don't address the underlying problems that cause such massive inequality (both economically and socially).
Ideas such as maximum ratio, mandatory ownership of at least 50% of businesses by workers (the coop model), using the internet to empower democracy, decentralizing authority where it doesn't concern the basics (why does gun control need to be decided at any level but municipal, for instance - if Chicago wants to ban handguns and Dallas wants to totally deregulate them, why should they be disallowed from doing that?), true cost business accounting... These are the ideas that should define our future, not two hundred year old ideologies that have almost no relevance to how we organize as a society these days.