by Indy » Wed Jun 11, 2014 3:05 pm
LOL we do not have that now. But if you're wondering why the Dems keep winning the Senate/White House, welcome to things like... Brat.
The Dems have been able to put together this winning streak because the GOP offerings the past two elections veer from clownish to just demented.
People with no plan for governing, no ideas on how to get the country healthy again, simply a foaming-at-the-mouth hatred of "the left" and a promise to stick it to Obama and next Hillary even if they were to propose something like "Don't drink sewage."
That, and as we see with Brat, Ayn Randian economic beliefs (i.e., plutocracy) combined with a whole lot of Jesus stuff--except when the Pope actually quotes Jesus and then Jesus is a communist. Maybe that's why Brat needs to merge Christianity with capitalism--to save Christianity and not the other way around. To rid Christianity of that commie Jesus stuff.
IRONY ALERT: Ayn Rand was an atheist.
So what you got here are people who praise Christianity except when it contradicts their "capitalism," as they embrace the philosophy of a known... atheist.
You can't make this shit up.
So yeah, what we really need is more of these bozos.