I'd also like to add that the notion that Lerner's emails being lost is somehow part of the conspiracy is one of the dumbest arguments I've heard in a long time. Not only does it presume she's covering up something before it happened, it also means she ignored to cover up the emails sent to other people on their accounts. Yeah, she lost them on her machine and shit, but didn't bother to cover her tracks because she was too stupid to know every e-mail she sent out had a recipient that could store it?
The IRS recovered thousands of emails this way. So either Lerner is the dumbest f**k who ever worked at the IRS thinking she could pull this off by sendings thousands and thousands of emails out and hoping every one of those are deleted by the recipient or there's nothing there at all.
Which is why this whole conversation is useless. We could go on about the IRS policy, how they backup, who determined official record, etc...but in the end it doesn't matter. Because the only way it matters is if you argue Lerner is a dumb f**k who doesn't understand people receive her emails.
There is absolutely nothing to this email shit at all.