by exploited » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:52 am
I'm torn on this issue.
There is an incredibly tiny chance that Ebola takes off in the West. Virtually nonexistent. But you'd hate to see that anomaly happen, and then look back and go "Oh, well shit... We could have stopped this pretty easily and with a minimum of fuss."
On the other hand, I don't trust the authorities to actually do a good job of a quarantine anyways, so it seems a bit redundant. Further, the nature of the disease makes it just so damned unlikely - and we all know what happens when Western authorities overreact to a small threat.
I do think that it is perfectly reasonable to legally require them to check in, and for the government to arrest them for failing to do so. Quarantine isn't quite necessary IMO, but legally mandating other things makes sense.