You should read the rest of that link. This is still something like a 35 million dollar loss for Sony. Even with all the insane hype, they still didn't meet their expected opening weekend figure. Which wasn't even a reach.
Looks like its slowly adding up, though.
Honestly, if there is a silver lining in all of this, its that it helps to prove out the concept of bypassing theaters completely and going straight to digital release. Or even digital release as an alternative. Big beautiful movies like Gravity and Interstellar are amazing on IMAX screens, and the big picture experience will remain relevant for movies that benefit from it....but comedies, docs, indies, most need for a theater there.
I hope the big theater chains PAY for their cowardice on this one. This wasn't all on Sony, we need to remember. Sony gave them the option, and they were the first to back down. Only then did Sony cancel it.