by Bauce Sauce » Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:22 pm
[quote="Professor"][quote="Bauce Sauce"]The problem I see from conservatives here is that their solutions are things like "work harder than everyone else" and "develop skills to distinguish yourself from the pack". While this is great personal advice, it's not a legitimate public policy to promote prosperity and social mobility. Categorically, the masses cannot "work harder than everyone else". Extraordinary individuals have the ability to rise to the top, but a great society affords average people the ability to still have a decent standard of living, and I've heard no solutions for this here.[/quote]
Tax the rich at a greater rate.
Seriously, I'm OK with that. But, only after getting rid of a LOT of other fat in the budget. However, there isn't enough fat to get rid of without taxing the rich at around 50% or more.[/quote]
What do you want to do with this additional tax revenue?