There were about 650 cases last year. This year, which we've been in for only 1 month, already has seen over 100.
A stat posted earlier in this thread put the adverse reaction to the vaccine at 1-in-a-million. There are 316 million people in the US. But, all 316m don't get the shot every year. You usually get it twice, when you are young (recommended for every 10 years, but very few people do that). That means that roughly 8.1 million people are vaccinated every year. So, 8 kids react badly to the vaccine.
Which is worse - 600 or 8?
Stop the BS - get vaccinated, and tell everyone around you to get vaccinated. Being 100% honest here, if I found out that my kids' best friend wasn't vaccinated, I would highly consider no more sleepovers at their house or mine.